As Certified Public Accountants, Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. provides a wide variety of accounting, tax planning, tax return preparation, and financial management services tailored to meet the needs of our business and individual clients. Whether you need accounting, payroll preparation, tax planning, tax return preparation, small business consulting, or a full complement of other individualized services, we will give you the full resources you would expect only from a large accounting firm while maintaining that personal touch.  We are your full-service small town firm. We serve a variety of clients, including: individuals, partnerships, LLCs, non-profits, and corporations. We keep abreast of tax law changes throughout the year to ensure that you are taking advantage of ALL tax incentives.

Tax Services

At Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C., we prefer to take a proactive vs. reactive approach to tax services. By keeping current on new tax laws and legislation, we are in a position to identify key tax planning opportunities that minimize both your current and future tax liabilities. We provide our individual and business clients with the taxation expertise and knowledge that they deserve throughout the year.

Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. - Tax Services

We specialize in the following tax services:

  • Tax preparation
  • Individuals
  • Corporations
  • Partnerships
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Estates and trusts
  • Non-profits
  • Homeowner/Condominium Owner Associations
  • Tax planning
  • IRS and local tax authority representation
  • Gift tax
  • Payroll tax
  • Sales and use tax
  • Business property tax

Business Consulting Services

Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. offers consulting services in a variety of areas that meet our client’s specific needs.  Our firm will continue to help your business plan and look at the whole picture.  Many people think that accounting is done in the past tense, as in “Last quarter, the company earned…” But operating officers and managers of successful businesses know that they spend as much or more time working with their accountants on current decisions and future goals as they do on quantifying and reporting the past.

Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. - Business Consulting

Start-Up Services

  • Choice of business entity, including analysis of tax ramifications, legal protections and employee benefits options
  • Complete and submit federal and state applications for identification numbers
  • Apply for business license
  • Registration for state income tax and sales tax withholding and remittance
  • Accounting and database software selection, customization and implementation
  • Staff Training

Payroll Tax and Compliance Services

  • Prepare monthly and quarterly payroll tax returns
  • Prepare W2s and 1099s
  • Prepare W3 and state reconciliations
  • Prepare personal property return
  • Sales and use tax returns
  • Payroll preparation

Business Plans

  • Provide a clear, precise and meaningful sense of direction for your company for a specified period of time
  • Plans can be prepared for both internal and external purposes
  • Secure funding and lines of credit
  • Incorporate performance measurement and key employee motivation
  • Present information effectively to outside parties

Business Valuations / Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Transition planning
  • Stakeholder requirements, including buy-sell agreements, forecasting, feasibility analysis and strategic planning
  • Tax analysis and planning, including estate planning, gift and estate taxes, purchase price allocation.

Other Services Offered

  • Bookkeeping
  • Cloud computing

Accounting Services

  • Compilation of financial statements
  • Review financial statements
  • Bookkeeping
  • Cloud Computing
  • Payroll

Almost every organization — whether it’s a privately held business, a publicly owned corporation, or a nonprofit organization — must prepare reports on its financial performance. Such reports help owners and managers make operating decisions, enable creditors to evaluate loan applications, and provide individuals with information to make investment decisions.  Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. recognizes that different entities have different accounting needs.

Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. - Accounting Services

Compiled financial statements represent the most basic level of service CPAs provide with respect to financial statements.  In a compilation, the CPA must comply with certain basic requirements of professional standards, such as having a knowledge of the client’s industry and applicable accounting principles, having a clear understanding with the client as to the services to be provided, and reading the financial statements to determine whether there are any obvious departures from generally accepted accounting principles (or, in some cases, another comprehensive basis of accounting used by the entity).  It may be necessary for the CPA to perform “other accounting services” – such as creating your general ledger, or assisting you with adjusting entries for your books – before the financial statements can be prepared.  Upon completion, a report on the financial statements is issued that states a compilation was performed in accordance with AICPA professional standards, but no assurance is expressed that the statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.  This is known as the expression of “no assurance.”  Compiled financial statements are often prepared for privately-held entities that do not need a higher level of assurance expressed by the CPA.  We prepare a monthly, quarterly, or annual financial statement or other intervals to meet your specific needs.

Reviewed statements require that the CPA perform inquiry and analytical procedures in addition to the procedures described above for a compilation.  Upon completion, a report is issued stating that a review has been performed in accordance with AICPA professional standards, that a review is less in scope than an audit, and that the CPA did not become aware of any material modifications that should be made in order for the statements to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or if applicable, another comprehensive basis of accounting.  This is known as the expression of “limited assurance.”  Reviewed financial statements are often prepared for entities that have bank loans, outside investors, or trade creditors, but those third parties do not require audited statements.

QuickBooks Service

QuickBooks™ Services

Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. participates in the QuickBooks ProAdvisor® program.We offer several services related to QuickBooks™ setup, consulting and training:

Scott R. Frick CPA, P.C. - QuickBooks Service

    • We can demonstrate the capabilities of QuickBooks software at our office so you know what it can do before you buy it (the first demonstration is free – up to one hour!)
    • We can help you determine which version of QuickBooks is best for your business.
    • We can install the software and setup your company, including your chart of accounts, beginning balances, and company preferences.
    • We can train your staff.
    • We can review your transactions and reports on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis to aid in tax preparation and business management.
    • We can offer remote access for complex problem solving.

Since we are Certified QuickBooks Proadvisors, we get top priority in calling Intuit with questions if we don’t already know the answer ourselves. If you aren’t sure about how to do something with QuickBooks, save time call or e-mail us. If we don’t already know the answer, we’ll find out for you!